Primitive Methodist Chapel – 1912
Sunday School children line up for their photo to be taken outside the chapel on Town Hall Square.
There is nothing “primitive” about the appearance of the children, from the smartly dressed toddlers at the front to the boys at the back wearing Eton collars and boaters!
Primitive Methodist Chapel – c1920s
This image was taken on a glass slide by E E Slater of Hopeville House, Yeadon.
The Town Hall is on the left, next is the Primitive Methodist Chapel, there are crowds of people around including many children dressed in their best outfits.
To the right is what appears to be a Military Band, in the foreground is a pile of stones and rubble, (not shown in this image) in 1925 old properties in front of the Town Hall were demolished to create the Square, the photo possibly dates from then.
Primitive Methodist Chapel – 1979
Located to the right of the Town Hall, in this view it is no longer used for worship and has been sold, it is now used as offices (October 2013).
On the right is the present Yeadon Methodist Church, all the various Methodist groups are now united as one.
Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 28 January 2022.
Last updated: 31 July 2023 – PhotoID: A114. 18 January 2023 – All images updated.