Title | South View School |
Date | 1932 |
Location | Yeadon |
Photo ID | V886 |
Comment | The donor of this photograph has pointed out his father Jack Brayshaw then aged 10 years old, is seated on the second row, 5th from the left, with his left hand resting above his left knee. Donated by Jack Brayshaw. |
South View School – 1932
A class photo, the teacher on the left is unidentified, the rest are:
Back row, left to right:
Fred Waugh, Roland Arundale, Jim Birkett, Fred Young, Norman Booth, Clifford Hawkridge, Jack Preston, Joss Smith and Headmaster H V Wilkinson.
Middle row, left to right:
Ronnie Ives, Bernard Preston, Clifford Small, Harry Mills, Frank Richardson, Charlie Nunns, George Jaques.
Front row, Left to right:
Harold Priestly, Arthur Thore, Harry Mitchell.
On the left edge is a glimpse of Harper Lane.
South View School – 1932
Boys photographed in the school playground, the houses in the background are on Harper Lane. Several more boys are peering through the windows. Many names are given on the back of this image, the order is a little confused for the front two rows so if the names are not attributed to the correct faces I apologise.
Back row from left to right I S Kitchen, ? Brayshaw, H Fletcher, A Luty, J Walker, Ernest Crowther, ? Brown, S Marshall, P Braithwaite.
Second row from left to right, F Largent, S T Marshall, R Kitchen, R Barker, F Richardson, H Thompson, K Lawson, J Colehan, A Luty D Watkinson.
Third row from left to right L Wood, E Lee, R Gooder, A Pyrah, F Luty, S Dennison, F Young, J Crompton, F Hudson, J Machel, A Dracott.
Front row from left to right L Padget, C Young, C Lambert, E Hardcastle, E Stanhope, B Girt, A Hague, B Booth.
On the left is Headmaster H V Wilkinson on the right is Mr I Silson.
South View School – 1935
The nursery class having a refreshment break, how well behaved the children appear to be, sitting obediently at their tables. On the table 2nd from the left at the front, sitting on the right side with a cup to his mouth is George L Routh who donated this photo.
South View School – 1935
Children holding up souvenir mugs which marked the Silver Jubilee of King George V & Queen Mary. The mugs had been paid for by comedian Sydney Howard, he had intended to present them himself but was detained in Egypt following an ear operation. His daughter Wendy acted as his deputy and is seen here sitting behind the children, on the left is Dr. Outhwaite. After the presentation the children marched to Yeadon Town Hall where their mugs were filled with tea which they enjoyed with buns.
A copy of this photo was part of the collection at Rawdon library and most of the children were named. The list & photo are now part of the Leodis collection.
South View School – 1940s
Comments from our facebook page:
Roger Frankland said – The girl on the second row from back fourth from left is Ann Firth with the white top bow in her hair. My wife Anne (nee Megson) went to school with her.
Someone else suggested that it may have been taken on a trip to either Hornsea or withernsea?
South View School – 1935/40s
Back row L to R: Vera Millington, Kathleen Slater others unknown.
3rd row in the centre the Clayton Twins.
2nd row L to R: 6th along Pat Crawford others unknown.
1st row L to R: 3rd along Sheila Crosby others unknown.
Somewhere in the image are Dorothy Teal & her sister.
South View School – 1947
A photo of a boy’s class named as follows:
Top row, (side of the chimney) from the left: Bobby Hannan, Brian Liversedge, Byron Luty, Alan Walsh, Terry Exley, Alan Fowler, Paul Hatton, Alan Crosby, Colin Waun.
3rd row, (under chimney from the left: Jack Sinclair, Raymond Clifford, ?, Robert Bashforth, Barry Wade, Peter Knight, Roger Smith, ? Watson, Norman Lickley, Raymond Walker, Jim Shipman.
2nd row, left to right : John Smith, Dennis Waite, Brian Slater, Brian Emsley, Alan Breeze, Mrs Rowney, Michael Kelly, Keith Langley, Kenneth Roberts, John Sanderson, Alan Ainsley.
Front row, left to right : John Atkinson, Willis Edwards, David Cooper, Leslie Marshall, Michael Cross, Eric Holdsworth, Roger Brayshaw.
Donated by Roger Brayshaw.
South View School – 1948/49
Teacher George Crompton on the right. The person on the left is thought to have been the then headmaster, Mr Ackroyd.
Pupil names not in any order:
P Braithwaite, G McGuire, Stanley Ellis, G Harrison, G Yeadon, J Stephenson, D Myers, M Hutchinson, B Barker, A Walsh, A Rayner.
Previous Comments:
Re E062
“Bardy” Wilkinson was the headmaster when I was at school and I was also taught by “Freddie” Waugh. Fred Young and my brother Arthur, married two sisters Molly and Eileen Lacey. Frank Richardson used to bully me for some reason, Joss smith used to be on the school football team and George Jaques was my barber and kept a shop on the Green.
05 February 2014.
Re PU116 & PU117
shirley Bork
I was one of these children five years later. How I hated not being able to see out. I expect it was good for me as I was always dreaming out of the window. Nature was always more interesting than learning Tables. I remember the smell of the newly built air-raid shelters on the land below the school ( concrete and newly sawn timber ) and the “big boys ” bringing in the frozen milk, the cardboard tops pushed up on a column of ice. I wonder where we all are today in our eighties. Shirley (Bailey).
10 June 2018
Re V886
Ken Lee
As I said when I saw this photo on Facebook, it was definitely not taken between the years 1935 -1938. I recognise several of the kids here, including myself, and I estimate the year the photo was taken to be somewhere between 1952 and 1954. Also when I saw the photo on Facebook via my tablet I had a stab at providing some names, but now I have had a look on a larger screen, I realise that I might have got a couple wrong. Apologies for that.
27 March 2019
sam kilburn
Ken Lee, I am afraid you got it wrong this time, this photo was about 1935/7 as I recognise Eddie Lennon, Willie Flaxington and quite a few more and they were only in the class above mine and by 1952 I was married so either you are mistaken about the dates before you looked on your tablet or you don’t recognise your own photo.
29 July 2019.
Ken Lee
The truth of the matter is that these two photos were taken years apart. My comments relate to the top photo and Janet O’Carroll confirms my observations. I may be getting on a bit, but I can still recognise my own photo!!
30 July 2019.
Re V886
I am afraid that you are both wrong with the dates gentlemen. Image V886 was originally posted on our previous website as Photo ID: D378 and dated as 1935/1938 and to which your comments refer. I can date this image to 1932, as it was given to me by my late father who is seated on the second row, fifth from the left, when he was then coming up to eleven years old. I also refer to Photo ID: S52, dated 1931, on the previous page. Walter Sutcliffe, third row, second from the right, was a year older than my father Jack Brayshaw, shown in the 1932 photograph. Jack Brayshaw was 10+ yrs old then and when war broke out in 1939, he was just old enough to enlist which he did. My father and Walter remained friends throughout their life and even lived on the same street in Rawdon after the war and sadly where they both died.
07 January 2022.