Previous Comments:
David Nunns
I was the project Manager in charge of the South View School re-development commencing in 2004, as an former pupil of the School I returned exactly 40 Years after leaving to demolish the first sections of the existing school buildings to make way for the new block which was located on the old play ground area.
Prior to commencing any work on the buildings I undertook a full photographic survey of all the school, internal and external, of which I have kept a copy, and would like to donate these to the Historical society. The school buildings were exactly the same as when I left the school in July 1964, to return in July 2004 to commence re-development, the words of the former head Mistress Miss Parkinson came to mind, when she once said about me that I would be the death of the school, after being punished for some prank I had performed.
The majority of the demolished materials were salvaged, with the slates being re-used to re-cover a Grade 2 Star Chapel in Cleckheaton, as the original Burlington slates were as good as the day they were laid and on many of the blocks had not been touched in 120 years.
The stone was used to construct executive detached houses in Halifax or Huddersfield I can not remember which town it was, but unfortunately the roof timbers and supporting trusses that were constructed from Pitch Pine were sent for re-cycling in to chip board, what a waste.
No relics were unearthed unfortunately, but a lot of memories were re-kindled.
01 January 2020.
Hi David,
Will you contact me:
This is very interesting.
Carlo Harrison.
Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 10 January 2022.
Last updated: 25 January 2023 – All images updated.