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Home » Memories » Pre-1939 » All History Matters, 1700 to 1934 (5)

All History Matters, 1700 to 1934 (5)

Title All History Matters
Date 1900 – 1910
Location Aireborough
Written By Carlo Harrison
Comment Taken from various documents held in the Archive Room, Yeadon Town Hall.

1900 – 1910

Written in 1959.
It is almost 50 years ago since the gala occasion of the extension of the Leeds tramways from Horsforth as far as the Rawdon-Yeadon section.
Looking back at the files it shows what a great occasion it was when the first trams ran from Horsforth to Yeadon. It was indeed the result of ten years effort by local residents particularly from Yeadon, who turned their attention to getting the trams when the railway refused to put them on the list. The arrangement with Leeds was that for eleven years Rawdon, Yeadon & Guiseley should make annual payments of £400 towards the cost.
The formal opening of the section as far as Green Lane by three decorated cars it is recorded “aroused the greatest interest & enthusiasm on the part of the inhabitants”.
Along the route from Horsforth & through Rawdon groups of people gathered to express their satisfaction at the consummation of long cherished hopes.
When the cars reached Green Lane they were met with an exceedingly hearty reception from the crowd, which numbered well into the thousands. The cars were filled with public representatives of Leeds & local townships. On reaching Red Beck, the dividing line between Horsforth & Rawdon, Councillor Jordon, chairman of Rawdon Council, took over driving the first car. At Green Lane Bottom he handed over to Mrs Lockwood, wife of Yeadon chairman, who, amid great enthusiasm, drove over the boundary to Yeadon.
While the civic dignitaries were entertained to tea in Benton School room, the decorated cars were kept busy running between Horsforth & Yeadon giving free rides to all that wanted them, which appeared to include the greater part of the juvenile population of the area.

24th June 1910.
A meeting of Willeyer’s & Fettler’s was held at the Labour Club, Yeadon to consider the questions of wages and conditions, & all factories in the district were rep[resented.
Three resolutions were unanimously passed;
First ,they congratulated the Willeyer’s & Fettler’s of the West Riding & especially Leeds on the stand they made in regard to the “Charter”;
Second, they called on those still outside to join the local union; &
Third, that the meeting was in favour of an immediate agitation to secure the adaption of the “Charter” for the district.
Principle points of the Charter were the payment of 6d per hour for a week of 55 1/2 hours, with no work at mealtimes, the abolition of overtime, & “one man one set.”

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Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 04 August 2022.
Last updated: 04 August 2022.

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