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Shows, Concerts, Bazaars, (Guiseley) 1910 – onwards (1)

Rectory Bazaar Committee 1910

Title Rectory Bazaar Committee
Date 1910
Location Guiseley
Photo ID J213
Comment A group of ladies outside the old Guiseley Rectory, they would have been the committee to plan the bazaar. The bazaars were elaborate affairs which lasted for several days and offered meals, entertainment and a wealth of goods for sale.
Primitive Methodist Yuletide Bazaar 1920

AA088 – Primitive Methodist Yuletide Bazaar, 1920.

Primitive Methodist Yuletide Bazaar – 1920

The location is Guiseley Town Hall, the balcony and floor of the hall are crowded with people.
These grand bazaars often featured entertainments in addition to the stalls and goods for sale, perhaps this was the case when this photo was taken.

Liberal Troupe c1925

K214 – Liberal Troupe, c1925.

Liberal Troupe – c1925

A group of entertainers in nautical costume, names noted are : Eleanor Robinson, Clara Mounsey, Charlie, Louie Bramley, Mr Waite and Cyril Robinson.

Primitive Methodist Shrovetide Bazaar 1921

BB079 – Primitive Methodist Shrovetide Bazaar, 1921.

Primitive Methodist Shrovetide Bazaar – 1921

“Shrovetide Bazaar” held by the Primitive Methodists in Guiseley Town Hall which has a full audience.
It was usual for entertainment to be provided at the bazaars so these people are ready for proceedings to begin.

Primitive Methodist Shrovetide Bazaar 1921

F389 – Primitive Methodist Shrovetide Bazaar, 1921.

Primitive Methodist Shrovetide Bazaar – 1921

Shrovetide is the period immediately preceding Lent, the word “shrove” is derived from “shrive” meaning to confess.
Shrove Tuesday being the last day before Lent and a period of abstinence and austerity, any rich foods would be eaten up, pancakes using eggs would be made giving rise to the name “Pancake Tuesday”, a custom still observed by many.
Seen here is the opening ceremony for children at a grand bazaar held in Guiseley Town Hall, these bazaars were very elaborate occasions with music, entertainment, stalls and novelty attractions, they usually were held for several days.

Primitive Methodist Chapel Undated

C111 – Primitive Methodist Chapel, Undated.

Primitive Methodist Chapel – Undated

A scene from a production of “The Pearl Fishers” by Georges Bizet.
This was presented by the Primitive Methodist Chapel on Otley Road, also known as the Providence Chapel.

St. Oswald's Pageant 1928

B389 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, 1928.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – 1928

The cast of Guiseley Pageant assembled in the Rectory gardens, they are dressed to represent a period of early Church history.
In the centre is the Rector of Guiseley Canon Francis Howson, on his left is Pageant Master Arthur Payne.

St. Oswald's Pageant 1928

G137A – St. Oswald’s Pageant, 1928.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – 1928

In this scene invading Norsemen are being met by Christian monks. The location is the pond in the grounds of Guiseley Rectory.

St. Oswald's Pageant 1930

B388 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, 1930.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – 1930

The assembled company who performed the Pageant are in front of Guiseley Rectory. The costumes represent different eras in Guiseley’s history, second row from the front, to the left of the “nuns”, wearing a cap and ruff is the Rector of St. Oswald’s Church, Canon Francis Howson.
He was playing Rev. Robert More who had been Rector of Guiseley 1581-1644.
On his left is Pageant Master Arthur Payne.

St. Oswald's Pageant 1930

D003 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, 1930.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – 1930

On the left is the Rev. S H Bosward, Wesleyan Methodist Minister acting as John Wesley and Canon Howson in costume as Robert More, one of his predecessors as Rector of St. Oswald’s (1581- 1644).
They were taking part in the historical pageant which formed part of the annual St. Oswald’s Festival.
The pageant was originally in 3 acts, the first depicted soldiers of the Roman Army repairing the Roman Road on Guiseley Moor using Celtic prisoners as labour. Act 2 – told the story of the Dissolution of Esholt Priory in 1536.
Act 3 – centred on Guiseley Feast in 1730.
More acts were added over the years but always in the background was St. Oswald, Patron Saint of Guiseley Church.

St. Oswald's Pageant 1930

G133 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, 1930.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – 1930

A scene from the pageant which was held in the grounds of St. Oswald’s Rectory.
It is noted that Rev. E C Butterworth was a Curate, but does not make it clear if he is the man in costume.

St. Oswald's Pageant 1930

G139 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, 1930.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – 1930

A scene from the pageant in the grounds of Guiseley Rectory, actors are dressed as nuns from Esholt Priory led by the Prioress played by C Teale.

St. Oswald's Pageant 1930

G139A – St. Oswald’s Pageant, 1930.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – 1930

J Kendal is dressed as a centurion for his part in the pageant.

St. Oswald's Pageant 1930

E169 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, 1930.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – 1930

Standing in front of the Rectory doorway are Fred Eric Rogers and Freda Usher.
This was a re-enactment of the marriage of Maria Branwell to Rev. Patrick Bronte on 29th December 1812.
Their children were the famous Bronte authors, Anne, Charlotte and Emily.

St. Oswald's Pageant 1930

C008 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, 1930.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – 1930

Scene from St. Oswald’s Pageant with some of the cast in front of Guiseley Rectory.

St. Oswald's Pageant 1934

C009 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, 1934.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – 1934

A Viking longship sails on the pond in the grounds of Guiseley Rectory.

This is a scene from St. Oswald’s Pageant which was staged every year to tell the story of St. Oswald.

This scene depicts the raid on Lindisfarne by the Danes in 793 AD. Lindisfarne Monastery was founded by St. Oswald, patron Saint of Guiseley Parish Church.

St. Oswald's Pageant c1937

B284 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, c1937.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – c1937

Members of the Girls Friendly Society are in costume for the first St. Oswald’s pageant held at Guiseley St. Oswald’s Church.

St. Oswald's Pageant c1937

C002 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, c1937.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – c1937

People in costume who were acting in the St. Oswald’s Pageant, this was a performance of “As You Like It”.

Previous Comments:

Re C002
I think these photos would have been taken around 1937/38. My Mother, Christine Ludley (nee Brown), sitting down at the front would have been 17 or 18 years of age. My Father, Denis Ludley is in the back row, just to the right of the person wearing the white plumed hat.
26 February 2018.

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Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 01 April 2022.
Last updated: 08 April 2022.

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