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Shows, Concerts, Bazaars, (Guiseley) 1910 – onwards (2)

St. Oswald's Pageant c1937

Title St. Oswald’s Pageant
Date c1937
Location Guiseley
Photo ID C003
Comment Cast of the annual St. Oswald’s Pageant outside Guiseley Rectory.
St. Oswald's Pageant c1937

R006 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, c1937.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – c1937

This scene depicts the monks of Iona going to bring in their harvest.

Crompton Parkinson Concert 1938

T58 – Crompton Parkinson Concert, 1938.

Crompton Parkinson Concert – 1938

The woman on the left was Isabel Haste, moving right were Frank Dainty, and Cyril Ludley on the right.

Crompton Parkinson Concert 1938

T59 – Crompton Parkinson Concert, 1938.

Crompton Parkinson Concert – 1938

Employees of Crompton Parkinsons as the “Crompark” Concert Party.

On the back row left to right are: Jessie Rhodes, ? Isabel Haste, Kenneth Schofield, Annie Fletcher, Frank Dainty, ? Cyril Ludley.
Front row left to right: Betty ? ? ? Alma ? Alice Yeadon, Joan Ginty, Amy Atkinson.

Crompton Parkinson Concert 1938

T60 – Crompton Parkinson Concert, 1938.

Crompton Parkinson Concert – 1938

The dancers included : Alma ?, Alice Yeadon, Joan Gineby, Amy Atkinson (nee Schofield), Betty ? and Kathleen Geary.
The man in the centre was Bert Pullan.

Primitive Methodist Pantomime 1938/39

G104 – Primitive Methodist Pantomime, 1938/39.

Primitive Methodist Pantomime – 1938/39

Some of the cast who performed a pantomime at the Primitive Methodist Chapel on Otley Road.

Primitive Methodist Pantomime 1938/39

G105 – Primitive Methodist Pantomime, 1938/39.

Primitive Methodist Pantomime – 1938/39

The cast of a pantomime produced at the Primitive Methodist Chapel on Otley Road.

Crompton Parkinson Open Day 1940s

N94 – Crompton Parkinson Open Day, 1940s.

Crompton Parkinson Open Day – 1940s

A few of these people have been named but not in order : Mrs Edman,  Jack Kendall, Davy Gill,  Eric Wilson, Mrs Watkinson.

St. Oswald's Pageant Undated

R011 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, Undated.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – Undated

Oswald was King of Northumbria, born around 604.
He became a Christian, Aidan was sent from Ireland to assist in the conversion of his people to Christianity.

The actor in the dark clothing is playing the part of Oswald, leader of his army.

St. Oswald's Pageant Undated

R012 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, Undated.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – Undated

A girl in period costume, she was supposed to be a guest at Guiseley Feast in 1730.

St. Oswald's Pageant Undated

R013 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, Undated.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – Undated

Oswald, Christian King converting his people to Christianity.

St. Oswald's Pageant Undated

C004 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, Undated.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – Undated

The Pageant was first performed outdoors in 1925, the script was written by Miss Margaret Cropper and Mr A E Payne and told the story of St. Oswald.
It evolved with added scenes of local and historical interest, spectators were charged 1/- to sit and 6d if standing.
Tea was served after the show in the National School and cost 1/-

St. Oswald's Pageant Undated

C005 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, Undated.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – Undated

A scene from the story of St. Oswald, brought to life in the annual St. Oswald’s Pageant, a pair of Vikings look very menacing!

St. Oswald's Pageant Undated

C006 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, Undated.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – Undated

St. Oswald’s Pageant, performed in the grounds of Guiseley Rectory.
The Pageant told the story of St. Oswald, with added scenes of local and historical interest, in this photo are two of the participants.

St. Oswald's Pageant Undated

R004 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, Undated.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – Undated

Seen in the grounds of Guiseley Rectory, St. Aidan is on the left holding a crook, St. Oswald is on the right.

St. Oswald's Pageant 1940s

R014 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, 1940s.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – 1940s

Towngate, where a service is being held on St. Oswald’s Day before the pageant began. In the background is the Cross Inn, on the wall is a poster advertising the films on show, one of which is called “The Gay Cavalier” a western released in 1946, starring Gilbert Roland.

St. Oswald's Pageant Undated

C007 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, Undated.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – Undated

A group of “Viking warriors” taking part in the St. Oswald’s Pageant, these Pageants were performed annually in the 1920s and 1930s and staged in the grounds of Guiseley Rectory.

Previous Comments:

Re N94
The gentleman second from the left is Jack Kendall and the lady stood in front of him is his wife Elizabeth, my late grandparents.
05 March 2014.

Re N94
Only just noticed this! Excellent find and how young they look! I knew my grandmother but never met Jack. What a shame! RIP.
16 April 2014.

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Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 01 April 2022.
Last updated: 30 April 2022 – Photo ID: G104 & G105.

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