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Shows, Concerts, Bazaars, (Guiseley) 1910 – onwards (3)

St. Oswald's Pageant Undated

Title St. Oswald’s Pageant
Date Undated
Location Guiseley
Photo ID C010
Comment Set in the grounds of Guiseley Rectory, actors are taking part in St. Oswald’s Pageant.
St. Oswald's Pageant Undated

C011 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, Undated.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – Undated

Preparing to appear in the pageant, two girls in costume are sitting on a bench, the girl on the left is applying make-up to her companion.
A fellow actor is kneeling to take their photo.

St. Oswald's Pageant Undated

R003 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, Undated.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – Undated

These pageants were popular in the 1920s and 30s, Canon Howson was largely responsible for the observance of St. Oswald’s Day and instigated these performances.
Here St. Oswald is being blessed by St. Aidan.

St. Oswald's Pageant Undated

R007 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, Undated.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – Undated

Set in the grounds of Guiseley Rectory, the pageant told the story of St. Oswald and included scenes of local history.
Here the Ministers of King Henry VIII, have come to carry out the Dissolution of Esholt Priory.

St. Oswald's Pageant Undated

R008 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, Undated.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – Undated

Here we see the monks of Iona fishing —- in the pond at Guiseley Rectory.

St. Oswald's Pageant Undated

R009 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, Undated.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – Undated

Roman soldiers of the 6th Legion, a scene from the pageant.

St. Oswald's Pageant Undated

R010 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, Undated.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – Undated

In this scene an affluent couple are being confronted by a gang of poor local youths, supposedly based on an incident at Guiseley feast in 1730.

St. Oswald's Pageant Undated

R011 – St. Oswald’s Pageant, Undated.

St. Oswald’s Pageant – Undated

Oswald was King of Northumbria, born around 604. He became a Christian, Aidan was sent from Ireland to assist in the conversion of his people to Christianity.    The actor in the dark clothing is playing the part of Oswald, leader of his army.

British Legion Gala 1948

F177 – British Legion Gala, 1948.

British Legion Gala – 1948

The Legion Queen was Audrey Yeadon, the retiring Queen was Rhona Wood.

St. Oswald's Halloween Dance 1952/53

F488 – St. Oswald’s Halloween Dance, 1952/53.

St. Oswald’s Halloween Dance – 1952/53

The dance was held in the old Parish Hall, on the back row, from left to right are : George Webster, Jumbo, Raymond Proom who was the leader, Harry Longfellow & Dennis Kirkbright.

Middle Row Left to Right: ? ? Elaine Dudley (holding Ball), Avril Cooper, Ann Riddiough (holding pumpkin), Pat Dennison, Elizabeth Ludley, Nita Riddiough.

Third row Left to Right: Colleen ?, Shirley Robinson. First on the right: Trevor Iles.

Second row Left to Right: ? Irene Bishop.

Front Row: 3rd from the right Colin Taylor, 2nd from the right Peter Webster.

Young Wives Show 1960s

K171 – Young Wives Show, 1960s.

Young Wives Show – 1960s.

Guiseley Methodist’s Young Wives show, taking part were.
Standing left to right:
Dorothy Cousins, Margaret Dodd, Mable Richardson, Minnie Learmonth, Eileen Morgan, Marjorie Waite, unknown boy, pianist’s assistant and Marjorie Holdsworth, pianist and producer.
Standing in the centre: left Lilly Riley and right Joan Norris.
Seated at the front: left Ena Mellor and Right Mary Fifield.

St. Oswald's Church Play Undated

F068 – St. Oswald’s Church Play, Undated.

St. Oswald’s Church Play – Undated.

The cast of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, performed by members of the church.

Snow White 1964/5

M737 – Snow White, 1964/5.

YPrimitive Methodist Chapel – 19604/5

The cast of Snow White as performed at the Primitive Methodist Chapel, Guiseley, 1964/5: From memory and in no particular order! … Margaret Rigg (my sister), Margery Dodd, Catherine Baldwin, John Baldwin, Vivienne Corbett (Snow White), Denise Waddington (Handsome Prince), Elizabeth Rigg (me), Elizabeth Clapham, Julie Boocock, Carol Chaffer, Elizabeth Fry, John Holmes, Pamela Slater, Stephen Butler, Philip Slater, Kevin Waddington, John & Keith Chaffer, Carol Chaffer, Catherine Chaffer, Peter Hogg, Stephen Waite, Peter Rawnsley, Geoff Alsford. (There’s a few I don’t know).

Infomation supplied by Elizabeth Webb.

Crompton Parkinson Children's Day 1965

G286 – Crompton Parkinson Children’s Day, 1965.

Crompton Parkinson Children’s Day – 1965

Images donated by Neil Ascough, his father worked at Crompton Parkinson from leaving school until retirement in 1989, with a break serving in the RAF during the 2nd WW. The photos are from the Crompton Parkinson Work’s Journal of 1965, Neil and his brother are in the picture of the children enjoying their teas, he remembers the cakes shaped like Daleks with Smarties added for the spherical design on the bodies !

Crompton Parkinson Children's Day 1965

G287 – Crompton Parkinson Children’s Day, 1965.

Crompton Parkinson Children’s Day – 1965

The Hazley-Mansfield pipe band entertaining visitors.

Wesleyan Methodist Chapel c1967

D951 – Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, c1967.

Wesleyan Methodist Chapel – c1967

The cast of Aladdin which was performed in the church hall.
Names supplied by the donor of the photo Elizabeth Webb nee Rigg.
Elizabeth Rigg, John Claughton, Roger Waite, Catherine Baldwin, Elizabeth Fifield, Janice Baines, Pamela Slater, Hazel Norris, Brian Witham, (Widow Twankey) Ann Sinclair, (Aladdin) Julie Boocock, Keith Chaffer ,Jane Sinclair, Sally Fifield, Wendy Mellor, Catherine Baines, Julie Waite, Julie Benson, Pauline Whitaker, Elizabeth Clapham, Philip Slater, Robert Webster, David Norris, Ruth Williams, Catherine Chaffer, John Waite, Alison Hird, Keith Webster.

Wesleyan Methodist Chapel c1967

H076 – Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, c1967.

Wesleyan Methodist Chapel – c1967

Julie and John Waite – Aladdin Pantomime at Guiseley Methodist. 

St. Oswald's Church Mission Sale 1968

R295 – St. Oswald’s Church Mission Sale – 1968.

St. Oswald’s Church Mission Sale – 1968

Three ladies smile for the camera in front of a fruit and vegetable stall.

Photographer Bryan Waite, donated by his family.

Previous Comments:

Re C010
The man in the dark wig is my uncle Alvin, a regular attendee of these events. He was also a member of the amateur operatic society and features amongst photos of them.
30 January 2016.

Re C011
My Mother, Christine Brown – is the young girl on the left, in the dark costume, applying makeup to the other girl. She would be aged about 15 or 16 here. Both my mother and father (Dennis Ludley) were frequent players in the annual St. Oswald’s Pageant.

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Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 01 April 2022.
Last updated: 07 July 2023 – Photo ID: M737. 27 May 2022 – Photo ID: D951 & H076.

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