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Home » Guiseley » Landmarks-Guiseley » Towngate – 1900 – onwards (5)

Towngate – 1900 – onwards (5)

TownGate 2016

Title Towngate
Date 2016
Location Guiseley
Photo ID C817
Comment Photo taken from the roof of St. Oswald’s Church by Stuart Andrew MP, looking down onto Towngate Lands Lane is to the left of the Garden of Remembrance, Town Street to the right.
TownGate 2017

E556 – Towngate, 2017.

Towngate – 2017

A cafe which was formerly Mick’s Grill.

Photographer Edwy Harling.

TownGate 2018

N654 – Towngate, 2018.

Towngate – 2018

Towngate Centenary of the Armistice – 2018.

October 2018 – Erected on a lamp post to mark the Centenary of the Armistice in 1918, is the silhouette of a soldier ‘There but not there’, part of a national symbol of respect, seen here illuminated at night.   

Photo by Edwy Harling.

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Consolidated by Elaine Ellwood. 24 February 2022.
Last updated: 26 February 2022.

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