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Home » Guiseley » Religious Guiseley » Providence Methodist Chapel, 1843 – 1966 (1)

Providence Methodist Chapel, 1843 – 1966 (1)

Providence methodist Chapel Undated

Title Providence Methodist Chapel
Date Undated
Location Guiseley
Photo ID X196
Comment This datestone is from the first Primitive Methodist Chapel which was built on Otley Road in 1843.
Providence methodist Chapel 1891

C110 – Providence Methodist Chapel, 1891.

Providence Methodist Chapel – 1891

A badly damaged and marked image of the Select Bible Class who attended the Primitive Methodist Chapel on Otley Road.
The photograph was taken in the garden of Mr B Town, who was one of the teachers, the other 2 were W Whitaker and Adam Maude.
Other names noted are, C Boocock, W E Rawnsley, J W Rawnsley and T Chaffer.

Providence methodist Chapel Undated

F077 – Providence Methodist Chapel, Undated.

Providence Methodist Chapel – Undated

Drawing of the old Primitive Methodist Chapel on Otley Road.
It was built in 1843 and cost £650, it was replaced by a new chapel in 1877, which was built on an adjacent site.
This is turn was demolished.

Providence methodist Chapel 1890s

X199 – Providence Methodist Chapel, 1890s.

Providence Methodist Chapel – 1890s

An early view of the Sunday School at the Primitive Methodist Chapel (Providence Chapel).
The schoolroom was built in 1868, a replacement was erected in 1926 , this was demolished in 1985.

Providence methodist Chapel Undated

AA75 – Providence Methodist Chapel, Undated.

Providence Methodist Chapel – Undated

This is the Sunday School building adjacent to the chapel on Otley Road which was demolished in 1970.

Providence methodist Chapel Undated

DD088 – Providence Methodist Chapel, Undated.

Providence Methodist Chapel – Undated

The Primitive Methodist or Providence Chapel which stood on Otley Road.

Providence methodist Chapel Undated

R164 – Providence Methodist Chapel, Undated.

Providence Methodist Chapel – Undated

Drawing of the chapel on Otley Road which was also known as the Providence Chapel.
On the left are the burial ground and schoolrooms which were built in 1926.

Providence methodist Chapel 1900

E087 – Providence Methodist Chapel, 1900.

Providence Methodist Chapel – 1900

Outside the Primitive Methodist Chapel on Otley Road (also called Providence Chapel) are a number of people who were the Centenary Committee, a number of names have been noted but they do not correspond accurately to the number of people.

Mr H Denton: Mr W Briggs, Mr G Chaffer, Mr W Boocock.
Miss A Bradley, Miss E Baldwin, Mr M Cockerham, Miss M Riley, Mrs J Rawnsley, Miss A Rushworth, Mrs J W Hudson, Miss E Hardwick.
Mr W Brook, Edwin Crook, Mr J Birdsall, Mr G Bland, Mr W Smith, Mr F B Fry.
Mrs J Waddington, Mrs E Crook, Mr G Waite, Mr G Rawnsley, Mr I Waddington, Mrs T Hogg, Mrs J Walsh.

Providence Methodist Chapel 1914

DD044 – Providence Methodist Chapel, 1914.

Providence Methodist Chapel – 1914

Interior of the chapel, the pulpit is in view with the organ above it.
It was also known as the Providence Chapel.

Providence Methodist Chapel 1915

F073 – Providence Methodist Chapel, 1915.

Providence Methodist Chapel – 1915

This organ was built by Hughes Organs, Manningham Organ Works, Bowland Street, Bradford.
It was installed in the chapel in 1915 at a cost of £640, £250 of this was donated by the Carnegie Trust.

Providence Methodist Chapel 1920

B310 – Providence Methodist Chapel, 1920.

Providence Methodist Chapel – 1920

A programme advertising the Church’s contribution to the Hospital Fund.

“A Special Service in Aid of the Hospital Fund will be held in the above Church on Sunday Afternoon June 27th 1920 to commence at 2.30

An Address will be Given by the Rev. Canon Howson MA, Rector of Guiseley, supported by Rev. S A Langham, Mr J E Dalton BA BSc

and Mr W A Huntly, members of the District Council, Board of Guardians, Hospital Committee, St. John Ambulance etc are expected to be present.

During the service a Memorial Tablet Erected to the Memory of the Men connected with the Church who fell in the Great War, will be unveiled by Mr J E Dalton.

A full orchestral Band will be in Attendance

Soloist- Miss Lily Mitchell, contralto, Bradford

The whole of the takings will be given to the Hospital Fund, as expenses attached to the service will be defrayed by the Adult Bible Class, and your generous support to this worthy object is looked for.

Providence Methodist Chapel 1921

X338 – Providence Methodist Chapel, 1921.

Providence Methodist Chapel – 1921

Construction of a schoolroom adjacent to the chapel, also known as the Providence Chapel.
Taking place is a sponsored ceremony, people taking part had paid to put their names on bricks or stones to boost the building fund. When the chapel was demolished in 1970 some of the people or their families came to reclaim the bricks they had paid for.

Providence Methodist Chapel 1926

H299 – Providence Methodist Chapel, 1926.

Providence Methodist Chapel – 1926

Also known as the Primitive Methodist Chapel, this was a Christmas concert given by the St. Mary’s Sunday School class.
Back row left to right: Linda Exley, Betty Bartlam, Annie Fry, Vera Lee, Maggie Whittaker, Renee Hollings, Eva Armitage.
Standing in the centre are: Doris Waye and Eva Jackson.
Front left to right: Lily Smith, Renee Bartlam, Peggy Waddington, Connie Brown, Winnie Todd, Chrissie Robinson. Donated by Anne North.

Providence Methodist Chapel 1926

E201 – Providence Methodist Chapel, 1926.

Providence Methodist Chapel – 1926

Stone-laying ceremony for the building of a new chapel school room. Members of the congregation were invited to “buy” a brick which then had their names inscribed on them.

Providence Methodist Chapel 1926

E202 – Providence Methodist Chapel, 1926.

Providence Methodist Chapel – 1926

A few of these bricks were reclaimed by their owners when the school room was demolished for the building of Morrison’s store on the site.

Previous Comments:

Re C110
The Whitaker’s are my husbands family. Can anyone tell me which one is William Whitaker in the photo?
28 April 2014.

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Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 23 May 2022.
Last updated: 27 May 2022.

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