Title | Providence Methodist Chapel |
Date | 1926 |
Location | Guiseley |
Photo ID | R080 |
Comment | “Primitive Methodist Church Guiseley 1827 – 1927 Foundation Stone New Schools Saturday 3rd July 1926 2.30pm The Foundation Stone will be laid by Fred Popplewell Esq. Guiseley Assisted by Rev. C H Rendell Resident Minister Special Stones will also by laid by John R Watson Esq. Bradford Great Grandson of Henry Watson, one of the Founders of our Church C Barker Esq. Pudsey. Old Scholar. Teacher. Lay Preacher Also in Memory of Francis B Fry School Superintendent over 30 years and Graham Leitch, School Superintendent, killed in France 1917 Followed by the laying of further Memorial and individual Stones by very many friends. After the Ceremony A TEA in the schoolroom 1/3d Adults 9d Children We welcome your support and presence.” When the schoolroom was demolished in 1984 the owners of inscribed bricks were able to reclaim them, some people did. |
Providence Methodist Chapel – 1926
This is the reverse of image R080
“Order of Ceremony
Minister in Charge Rev. J H Middleton, Otley
Opening Hymn no 1 Prayer Hymn no 11
Scripture Reading Rev C H Rendell
Welcome on Behalf of Trustees
Rev C H Rendell will deposit Current Coins and Literature
Laying of Foundation Stone by Fred Popplewell Esq Assisted by Rev C H Rendell
” I declare this stone well and truly laid to the Glory of God”
Presentation of Silver Trowel and Mallet
Stone to be laid by Mr John Watson, Bradford
Stone to be laid by Mr C Barker, Pudsey
Stone in Memory of Francis B Fry (late Superintendent)
Stone in Memory of Graham Leith (late Superintendent)
Further Memorial Stones and laying of individual stones by many friends
Hymn no 111 Prayer Benediction
Providence Methodist Chapel – 1930s
This was a Sunday School concert at the Providence or Primitive Methodist Chapel, on Otley Road.
On the back row from left to right are:
Renee Bartlem, Eva Armitage, Edna Young, Connie Brown, Winnie Todd and Renee Hollings.
3rd row from left to right:
Gladys Whittaker, Vera Waite, Annie Fry, Freda Williams, Queen Betty Bartlem, Edith Simpson and Marjorie Harling.
2nd row from left to right:
Peggy Waddington, Eva May Bunting, Olive Metcalf, Bessie Cook, Ivy Germaine, Hilda Metcalf, Irene Fickling, Jean Walkington, ? Simpson, Doreen Gray, Eva Bolton, Connie Dean and Jessie Briggs.
Front rom left to right:
Irene Turton, ?, Joan Clapham, Betty Harrison, Lily Metcalf, Nancy Barker, Audrey Young and Winnie Bolton.
Providence Methodist Chapel – 1970
This chapel was situated on Otley Road, Morrison’s store now occupies part of the site.
Primitive Methodism was introduced in Guiseley around 1827, services were held at 8 Bingley Lands by Harry Watson and Benjamin Hollings, at a later date behind a shop on Towngate owned by Mr Watson.
In 1843 a chapel was built on Otley Road, the gateposts of this old building can be seen set into the wall which was the boundary of the old cemetery, adjacent to Morrison’s.
The Providence Chapel was built next to the older chapel in 1877, schoolrooms were added in 1868 and 1926.
The congregation joined with Trinity Chapel (former Wesleyan’s) in 1966.
During the winter of 1984/85 Providence Chapel was demolished to provide part of the site for the supermarket which opened in 1989.
To the right of the store is a garden of rest on the site of the cemetery, this is where the boundary wall previously mentioned is.