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Micklefield House (2)

Micklefield House 2005
Title Micklefield House (2)
Date 2005
Location Rawdon
Photo ID J18
Comment At the junction of Harrogate Road and the A65 New Road side, looking across at the entrance to the grounds of the house, gardens and parkland. The shelter has an advertisement banner for the “Gondoliers” a production at Yeadon Town Hall in 2005 by the Aireborough Gilbert & Sullivan Society.
Micklefield House 2014

E314 – Micklefield House, 2014.

Micklefield House – 2014

Two stone horse troughs in the grounds of the house. The house had its own stable block, facing the back of the house to the right of the building currently Rawdon Community Library (2021).

Donated by Denis Court.

Micklefield House 2014

E315 – Micklefield House, 2014.

As above.

Micklefield House 2014

E316 – Micklefield House, 2014.

Micklefield House – 2014

This rear elevation showing a close up of the top window. Looking closely you can see either side of the window stone cannon barrels. Over the years I wonder how many visitors to the house and park never looked up and missed this addition to the elevation.

Donated by Denis Court.

Note: In the archive of Aireborough Historical Society there are drawings and plans of Micklefield House.

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Consolidated by: Elaine Ellwood. 25 March 2021.
Last updated: 02 November 2022 – All images updated.

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