Yeadon Categories
Swaine Hill – Area
Maple Terrace is the street on the left with Kirk Lane going up towards the centre of Yeadon. This area was often referred to as…
Swaine Hill Terrace
Situated off Kirk Lane and facing an open area of grassland, a carved stone gives the building dated as 1869….
Swincar Avenue
The section of the road nearest the camera is addressed as Walker’s Row, it then continues as Swincar Avenue.
Swires Garage 1910 – 1945
Blacksmiths shop situated between the Woolpack Inn and the junction of Henshaw Lane and New Road Side (A65 Otley Road)….
Symonds, Jim – Undated
Jim was a chimney sweep and is congratulating the bride and groom. A tradition said to date back to Medieval times when a sweep saved the life of a King when his horse bolted….
Tarn Information Boards
Two boards with information about the wildlife to be seen around the Tarn (Dam).
Taylor Family – c1952
Sitting on a motor bike which belonged to Eddie Taylor, are sisters-in-law …
Tea Cosies Cafe
Situated at the corner of Town Hall Square and the High Street, the café ready to open in premises which for many years had been a dry cleaners.
Teal, John and Mrs Teal – c1900
These two photos were the work of Ernest E Slater, they were taken on glass slides. John teal is pictured with a boy, MrsTeal is alone. A John Teal is listed in the 1908 Kelly’s directory as an insurance agent, living on Football (Fields).
Teale, George Herbert – c1900
George Herbert Teale is attending a stone laying ceremony, standing to the …
Teale, Harriet – Undated
Seen here with a small child, Harriet was the aunt of Fred Harrison…
Teale, Joe – Undated
…His home was a brick built semi-detached house called “Anvil” on Moorlands Avenue, it was at …
Teale, Smith & Maria – c1882
f these are wedding photographs, they date from 1882, when Joseph Smith Teale married Maria. They…
Teasdill, Graham FRSA AMA – 1960/61
Mr Teasdill was a founder member of the Aireborough and Horsforth Museum…