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Naylor Jennings

Naylor Jennings Undated

Title Naylor Jennings
Date Undated
Location Yeadon/Rawdon
Photo ID JH086
Comment Mr Naylor and Mr Jennings of Green Lane Dyeworks with offices and works depicted in the background.
Naylor Jennings 1940

B051 – Naylor Jennings, 1940.

Naylor Jennings – 1940

Seven men are sat on the fire escape steps at Naylor Jennings Dyeworks, Green Lane, the original text notes that these are “grey room” men.
On the reverse are 8 names, not the expected 7:
M Lockwood, A Arundale, ? Hirst, L Norfolk, E Watkinson,
F (?) Crawford, Maurice Watson, G Gaunt.

Naylor Jennings 2002

P289 – Naylor Jennings, 2002.

Naylor Jennings – 2002

Naylor Jennings Green Lane Mill, a plaque “Investors in People” is presented to Malcolm Jarvis on the left. Information with the photo states that there was a 25 year lease from Vyella.

Naylor Jennings 2013

FB296 – Naylor Jennings, 2013.

Naylor Jennings – 2013

Green Lane Dyeworks seen from Green Lane, previously the business of the Naylor Jennings Company.
The site is to be developed for housing (July 2013).

Photographer Joanne Coultas.

Naylor Jennings 2010

FB355 – Naylor Jennings, 2010.

Naylor Jennings – 2010

Base of the mill chimney at Naylor Jennings Green Lane Dyeworks.
The mill is now closed and the site is a proposed area for new housing (July 2013).

Image Donated by Dennis Court.

Naylor Jennings 2015

P100 – Naylor Jennings, 2015.

Naylor Jennings – 2015

Naylor Jennings or Green Lane Mill has been empty for several years and has become the target of vandals who have smashed windows, set fires and done much damage to the fabric of the building.

The site is to become a housing development with plans to incorporate the historic parts of the mill but the developers fear that may not be possible now (November 2015)

Photographer Joanne Coultas.

Naylor Jennings 2015

P111 – Naylor Jennings, 2015.

Naylor Jennings – 2015

Vandals have frequently broken into the empty mill in spite of security measures causing extensive damage.

Previous Comments:

Like most people in the area I worked at Naylor Jennings from 1978 to 1979 then 1985 to 1995. I have worked on most of the machines in the mill and most of the departments. I have also lived in one of the two bedroom houses belonging to Naylor Jennings, my boss in the early days was Mr Donald Gear then Mr Malcomb Jarvis. I was also a shop steward. If you have an address where I can send you pictures of working machines and some with men at the machines I will be happy to send them to you. Before I go I would just like to say Naylor and Jennings looked after its workers over the years and their families including me and my father, we have a lot of great memories it’s a sad loss for Yeadon and the last textile mill in Yeadon.
02 April 2014.

Very sad to hear about Green Lane Mill, but the first vandalism was the selling of the Cricket Ground, Bowling Green and Tennis Courts provided for the workers. Then the wonderful pumping engine and steam engines sold for scrap. All for profit. No sense of heritage.
25 February 2017.

To view more images and text on Naylor Jennings and Green Lane Mill, Please – Click Here.

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 30 November 2021.
Last updated: 13 January 2023 – All images reviewed. 23 December 2021 – Photo ID: JH086, B051 & P289

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