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Home » Yeadon » Landmarks Yeadon » Warren House Farm 1857 – 1982 (2)

Warren House Farm 1857 – 1982 (2)

Warren House Farm 1982

Title Warren House Farm
Date 1982
Location Yeadon
Photo ID B007
Comment South-West view of Warren House Farm, on the left is a new bungalow. The property was demolished for a runway extension for Leeds Bradford Airport.
Warren House Farm 1982

B008 – Warren House Farm – 1982.

Warren House Farm – 1982

January 1982 – Warren House Farm, Yeadon.
The old farmhouse and outbuildings which comprised part of Warren House Farm. A cow and a calf are grazing on the snowy grass, this was before the farm was demolished for a runway extension to Leeds Bradford Airport.

Warren House Farm 1982

B009 – Warren House Farm – 1982.

Warren House Farm – 1982

The driveway to Warren House Farm.

Warren House Farm 1982

B010 – Warren House Farm, 1982.

Warren House Farm – 1982

As above from a different angle and showing an adjoining farm building.

Warren House Farm 1982

B011 – Warren House Farm – 1982.

Warren House Farm – 1982

South side of Warren House Farm and barns, a lorry is in front of the house with a tractor on the right. Prior to demolition for work on a new runway for Leeds Bradford Airport.

Warren House Farm 1982

B012 – Warren House Farm, 1982.

Warren House Farm – 1982

A tractor stands in the farmyard with a barn in the background.

Warren House Farm 1982

B013 – Warren House Farm – 1982.

Warren House Farm – 1982

A view of the farmyard looking from the West, a cluster of buildings which were to be pulled down. It was judged that an additional runway was necessary for Leeds Bradford Airport and the farm was on the land which was needed.

Warren House Farm 1982

B014 – Warren House Farm, 1982.

Warren House Farm – 1982

South side of the farmyard, the building housing the tractor has a dovecote above the entrance which is dated 1857.

Warren House Farm 1982

W482 – Warren House Farm – 1982.

Warren House Farm – 1982

Close-up view of the dovecote which was above the entrance to an outbuilding at Warren House Farm. It is dated 1857.

Warren House Farm 1982

D706 – Warren House Farm, Undated.

Warren House Farm – Undated

A painting of Warren House Farm, by E Mortimer.

Warren House Farm 1982

U444 – Warren House Farm – Undated.

Warren House Farm – Undated

This image shows the bungalow on the left alongside old farm buildings.

Donated by Andrew Emsley.

Warren House Farm 1982

G419 – Warren House Farm, Undated.

Warren House Farm – Undated

A close-up of the bungalow built on the farm land.

Warren House Farm Pre 1982

F208 – Warren House Farm – Undated.

Warren House Farm – Undated

Although undated, we can see the end of the airport runway, dating this image to be after 1980.

Previous Comments:

Hi, I believe my family once owned Warren farm. Fletchers then Langleys. Would be interested in any info anyone might have.
25 May 2020.

AHS 2 Editor
Edmund Mitchell of Rawdon, married Elizabeth Lawson from Yeadon in 1873. Elizabeth had relatives at Warren House Farm and a brother who farmed either Dean Head, or Moorside Farm, at the Horsforth end of White House Lane, at that time. To view Edmund Mitchell & Family, 1840 -1915 – Click Here.
27 July 2023.

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Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 01 August 2023.
Last updated: 01 August 2023.

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