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Home » Yeadon » People-Yeadon » Slater, Ernest Ethelbert, Photographer, Family, Friends & Photographs – c1870s onwards (08)

Slater, Ernest Ethelbert, Photographer, Family, Friends & Photographs – c1870s onwards (08)

E E Slater Photographer 1870s onward

Title E E Slater
Date c1900
Location St.Alkelda Church
Photo ID A948
Comment A Lychgate leading into a churchyard, an ancient cross stands in the road. The location was previously unknown, slide taken by E E Slater of Yeadon. 30 April 2023 – This location has been identified by Philip Archdale using Google Search & Photos to be St. Alkelda Church, Giggleswick, North Yorkshire.
E E Slater Photographer 1870s onward

A949 – Unknown Location, c1900.

E E Slater – Unknown Location – c1900

This slide view taken by E E Slater is badly deteriorated and has not been restored, it shows a number of well dressed people walking along a promenade?

E E Slater Photographer 1870s onward

A993 – Unknown Rural Location, c1900.

E E Slater – Unknown Rural View – c1900

A rural view taken by E E Slater and titled “A Country Lane”.

E E Slater Photographer 1870s onward

B506 – Death of ?, c1900.

E E Slater – Death of ? – c1900

An original slide which has not been restored, it was titled “Death of ?”, two women are dramatically posed, the work of Ernest E Slater.

E E Slater Photographer 1870s onward

B790 – Carlton Towers, c1900.

E E Slater – Carlton Towers, Selby, – c1900

Flight of steps leading into Carlton Towers which is located near Selby.

E E Slater Photographer 1870s onward

B795 – St. Alkelda Church, c1900.

E E Slater – St. Alkelda Church – c1900

Lynch-gate leading to an unknown church, cross in the road. The upper section of the image has been lost to damage. This dual image is the same image at A948 above.

30 April 2023 – This location has been identified by Philip Archdale using Google Search & Photos to be St. Alkelda Church, Giggleswick, North Yorkshire.

E E Slater Photographer 1870s onward

B926 – Bridlington, c1900.

E E Slater – Bridlington – c1900

The new Spa, Bridlington, image from the lens of Ernest E Slater of Hopeville House, Yeadon.

E E Slater Photographer 1870s onward

C551 – Bridlington, c1900.

E E Slater – Bridlington – c1900

Bridlington Priory seen through the lens of Ernest E Slater.

E E Slater Photographer 1870s onward

F125 – Bridlington, Undated.

E E Slater – Bridlington – Undated

A trip to Bridlington for the choir of the Primitive Methodist Chapel (Providence) on Otley Road, Guiseley. Note how formally dressed everyone is, especially the boys in school uniform! ) Could be Slater, right period)

E E Slater Bridlington Priory c1900

A947 – Bridlington, c1900.

E E Slater – Bridlington Priory – c1900

A church door set within an arched recess with a gargoyle on each side and one above. The location and name of the church is unknown, the photographer E E Slater took photos in many parts of the UK and abroad.

30 April 2023 – The location of this image has been identified by Philip Archdale using Google Search & Photos to be a door leading to the bell tower of Bridlington Priory.

E E Slater Photographer 1870s onward

B959 – Kirkstall Abbey, c1900.

E E Slater – Kirkstall Abbey – c1900

An old well, probably this image is one of a series E E Slater took of Kirkstall Abbey. The double image was to viewed on a stereoscope, the right side is badly damaged.

E E Slater Photographer 1870s onward

B962 – Boston Spa, Wetherby, c1900.

E E Slater – Boston Spa, Wetherby – c1900

Old mill on the River Wharfe at Boston Spa near Wetherby, taken by Ernest E Slater.

E E Slater Photographer 1870s onward

B969 – Aysgarth, North Yorkshire, c1900.

E E Slater – Aysgarth, North Yorkshire, – c1900

The Palmer Flatt Hotel at Aysgarth, North Yorkshire, sign post points to the famous Aysgarth Falls.

E E Slater Photographer 1870s onward

BB013 – Edith Turner, Undated.

E E Slater – Edith Turner – Undated

Damaged image of Edith Turner who is dressed in theatrical costume.

E E Slater Photographer 1870s onward

BB013A – Edith Turner, Undated.

E E Slater – Edith Turner – Undated

Poor quality image of Edith Turner.

E E Slater Photographer 1870s onward

C527 – Portrait, c1900s.

E E Slater – Portrait of a Young Girl – c1900s

Portrait of a young girl taken on a slide by E E Slater, it has not been restored.

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Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 10 April 2023.
Last updated: 30 April 2023 – Photo ID: A948 & B795 Text.

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