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Memories 2nd World War 1939 – 1945

Audry Speight, Popplewell & Fred Barrett – 1940s

A memory from Audry Speight who is a committee member of AHS, was born in 1927 and lives in Yeadon.

John Denison, A Teenager in Wartime Yeadon, 1939 – 1945 (1)

I and another even younger than I, Brian Walsh, were accepted as junior members of the South View ‘gang’ …

John Denison, A Teenager in Wartime Yeadon, 1939 – 1945 (2)

One thing we kids were interested in was aircraft crashes which we would visit hoping for souvenirs.

John Denison, A Teenager in Wartime Yeadon, 1939 – 1945 (3)

I was astonished to find that a stick of bombs had been dropped by a lone raider.

John Denison, A Teenager in Wartime Yeadon, 1939 – 1945 (4)

Because of my medical grade and previous accounts experience I was the only one of the intake to be posted to the Royal Army Pay Corps.

JD8 John Denison 1939-1945

John Denison, A Teenager in Wartime Yeadon, 1939 – 1945 (5)

…a fascinating journey and I hope an inspiration to others to do as John has done,

John Hopkinson, Spitfires Over Yeadon, 1939 – 1945

As you can tell, it will be with me till my dying day. I had not bought a video camera, and for ever wish that I had – just for that day.

Mabel Harrison – Yeadon, 1930s to 1950s

The 1930s brought better conditions for working people, many council houses were built and people had bathrooms and electric light for the first time.

Sam Kilburn, Home Guard & Royal Navy Memories, 1939 – 1945

I altered my birth certificate and off I went to the recruiting office in Vicar Lane, Leeds where I was interviewed by a big…

Shirley Margaret Bork, nee Bailey, Early Music 1939 – 1945

When we were called into the main hall, to be given a talk, it was usually about collecting salvage for …

The Harrison Family, 1943 – 1944

He was wounded a short while ago but he has now recovered and is back up the line again.

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