Tams, George & Family – c1913
…The family home was a stone house on what is now Layton Avenue, around 1900, this area behind…

Teal, John and Mrs Teal – c1900
These two photos were the work of Ernest E Slater, they were taken on glass slides. John teal is pictured with a boy, MrsTeal is alone. A John Teal is listed in the 1908 Kelly’s directory as an insurance agent, living on Football (Fields).

Teale, George Herbert – c1900
George Herbert Teale is attending a stone laying ceremony, standing to the …

Teale, Joe – Undated
…His home was a brick built semi-detached house called “Anvil” on Moorlands Avenue, it was at …

Teale, John – c1870
On the left is John Teale, Grandfather of David Teale who donated the image. John was born on the 6th April 1855…

Teale, Smith & Maria – c1882
f these are wedding photographs, they date from 1882, when Joseph Smith Teale married Maria. They…

Teasdill, Graham FRSA AMA – 1960/61
Mr Teasdill was a founder member of the Aireborough and Horsforth Museum…

Thistlethwaite, W – Undated
Mr W Thistlethwaite was the treasurer for Rawdon Friends School (Quaker) Old…

Thompson, Andrew – 1971
This was a dress rehearsal for the Top Youth Club competition, the club won this title 4 times….

Thompson, Colonel Reginald, UD. MA. – Undated
Residence Hollings Hall, Esholt, Yorkshire, 2nd son of Sir Matthew William Thompson Bart. Born in London 1847.