Lamb, Ned – Undated
…His family lived in Dam Lane and Moorfield Terrace but in 1907 they had moved to….

Law, John – 1935
…John Law, camping out to guard the beacon, local scouts were given this task. It would be lit as part of the Silver…

Lawn, Wilf – c1925 Onward
Wilf lived on Park Row and is seen here in Scout uniform and wearing suits in the following images….

Lawn, Wilfred & Family – Undated
Wilfred and Annie Lawn with their children Doris, Elsie, Ethel and Wilf, the family…

Lawson, Derek – 1970s
Abraham Moon & Sons, Guiseley. Derek Lawson who was the Warping Manager at the mill….

Lawson, Stan – Undated & Location Unknown
The destination is unknown but the man with the teapot is Stan Lawson.

Layton, Margaret (Portrait) – c1600s
Portrait of Margaret Layton wearing a silk embroidered jacket, both now in the Victoria &…

Learmonth, Rex – 2012
…He donated land and money for the benefit of the people of Yeadon and Guiseley including Yeadon…

Lee, Elliott & Mary – 1930
…Mary and Dora’s mother was Carrie Preston, nee Brayshaw, the daughter of William and…

Lee, Morris – Undated
Morris Lee was a popular Yeadon entertainer and ventriloquist, seen here with his dummy Jack.

Lee, Mr & Mrs Joe – Undated
Mr and Mrs Joe lee at the back door of their home on Gill Lane. It was the first house …

Lee, Tom – 1920
Tom Lee was a greengrocer, seen here with his horse and cart. His business was based…