Devonshire House
On the left are properties which front onto Town Street (The Steep). Devonshire House was once part of the Dixon Mill complex, the buildings are now converted into…
Devonshire Place
This poor quality view is from Town Hall Square to property on Devonshire Place. The houses were of a type called “blind backs”, entrance only from the front but without…
Dinsdale Buildings
Dinsdale Buildings are located off Gill Lane and behind a row of cottages on New Road. To the right are the premises of J B Meays butchers.
Engine Fields
Looking from Henshaw Lane across the Engine Fields towards Eddie Dennison’s Westfield Mill.
Fairfax Grove
Three photographs showing Fairfax Grove a street on the estate which was built on the site of Aireborough Grammar School, the street names were taken from…
Flower Mount
Looking across from the corner of Alexandra Terrace the bungalows are named Flower Mount, behind them the stone houses are on Windmill Fold.