Yeadon Categories
Sandy Old Way (2)
Looking up to Sandy Way where the rear of Kettley’s store is in view. The white gable end wall is the side of Willow Cottage. On the left the long…
Saxton House
Located off Harper Lane, the view to the right is of the Engine Fields nature reserve.
Schofield, Mrs A – 1974
Mrs Schofield was Treasurer of the Aireborough and Horsforth Museum Society (now Aireborough Historical Society) 1964-1971, then Joint Auditor 1972-74 and President 1974-1975.
Schofield, Mrs B – 1990
Mrs B Schofield was President of Aireborough Historical Society 1990 – 1992.
Scott, George – 1914/1918
Photo of George Scott plus details about his family.
Scouts, Guides, Cubs & Brownies (1)
A group of scouts from St Andrews Church, they are pulling a laden cart. Perhaps off to camp?…
Scouts, Guides, Cubs & Brownies (2)
The wedding of Guide leader Gillian Spencer, Guides and Brownies are providing…
Scouts, Guides, Cubs & Brownies (3)
A Queen’s Guide with her certificate and celebration cake….
Sebastion, Kit – 1970s
it Sebastion’s mobile disco, he is the epitome of male fashion of the era with his flared trousers! Note the huge speakers and twin record deck.
Sedgwick, Winnie – 1922
Yeadon and Guiseley Secondary School hockey team (renamed Aireborough Grammar School in 1937). On the back row left to right are:…
Sharpe-Firth, Mr & Mrs – c1895
Mr and Mrs Sharpe Firth, they lived on Swaine Hill. Mrs Firth has very long hair which is braided and appears to have pearls or beads entwined in it….
Shaw Beck House
Shaw Beck House is located at the far end of Swaine Hill Terrace. Shaw Beck House with the gable end of Swaine Hill Terrace to the left.
Shaw, Ada – Undated
Ada was the wife of Harry Shaw, their children were Edgar, Elsie and Nellie. Ada was a member of the St. John Ambulance and seen here in her uniform. Donated by Ken & Jean Jones (nee Richardson).
Shaw, Alan – 2014
>Two of the archiving team here in action, Alan Shaw (Back) and Howard German (front) on 29th September 2014.