Yeadon Categories
Shows, Concerts & Bazaar’s, c1900 – Onwards (1)
Cast of a Nativity play, wearing a fur coat is Jimmy Sandbrook who was one…
Shows, Concerts & Bazaar’s, c1900 – Onwards (2)
A group of people who attended Yeadon Primitive Methodist Chapel dressed in…
Shows, Concerts & Bazaar’s, c1900 – Onwards (3)
The cast of a play written by Donald White (brother-in-law of Sydney Howard), it was called “Symphony”.
Shows, Concerts & Bazaar’s, c1900 – Onwards (4)
This is the cast of a play called “Yellow Sands”. From left to right are :Olwyn Wilkes,…
Shows, Concerts & Bazaar’s, c1900 – Onwards (5)
This photo was donated by Ken Lee who remembers concerts and plays regularly…
Shuttleworth, Frank & Mabel – 1923
Frank Shuttleworth was a butcher, Mrs Mabel Shuttleworth is in the shop doorway which was located on the High Street, next to…
Sizers Hill
This view of Sizers Hill is from Otley Road (A65), Henshaw Lane is on the left. Behind this row of cottages is a small area of industrial units…
Slater Tea Service
A silver tea service comprised of a tea pot, sugar basin and milk jug. The inscription…
Slater, Ernest Ethelbert, Photographer, Family, Friends & Photographs – c1870s onwards (01)
The location of this image is unknown but it is believed to have been taken in the grounds of Hopeville House, Yeadon. The car is very probably a Humber model, Reg. AK 857.
Slater, Ernest Ethelbert, Photographer, Family, Friends & Photographs – c1870s onwards (02)
This image was taken at the Strid (River Wharfe) which is located at Bolton Abbey and shows people fishing. The image…
Slater, Ernest Ethelbert, Photographer, Family, Friends & Photographs – c1870s onwards (03)
A slide taken by E E Slater during a visit to Scalby Mills, Scarborough, a Sea-life centre is now in this vicinity.
Slater, Ernest Ethelbert, Photographer, Family, Friends & Photographs – c1870s onwards (04)
This is a photo of the Lodore Falls Hotel which overlooks Derwentwater in the Lake District, a waterfall is a feature in the grounds, the hotel is still in business….
Slater, Ernest Ethelbert, Photographer, Family, Friends & Photographs – c1870s onwards (05)
An original slide in poor condition, taken by E E Slater it shows Arthington Viaduct. 30 April 2023 – Previously unknown location …
Slater, Ernest Ethelbert, Photographer, Family, Friends & Photographs – c1870s onwards (06)
A view of the abbey and people crossing the River Wharfe on stepping stones, probably taken by E E Slater on a glass slide.